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Give her a chance....

I made a resolution beginning of the year to exercise more in a bid to stay fit, healthy and enjoy nature as part of my sporting regime would include jogging. It is past mid 2017 and upon reflections on my daily actions, it was obvious that I did not have a genuine commitment to my earlier resolve. I would exercise intermittently, especially when I reminded myself of my exercising intentions and then slag away. I gave myself all manners of excuses, telling myself, "perhaps tomorrow" or "it's too cold" or "I'm too busy with more important things". However, none of these considerations made me feel any less guilty for neglecting what I had considered critical for my well being and happiness at the beginning of the year.

Make a Plan and Act on it

Thanks to my love of reading, I recently realized that my lack of having a proper plan, particular in key areas where I derived fulfillment, made it almost impossible to keep my commitment to exercise regularly. Die Empty, by Todd Henry emphasized the need of forming habits, by persisting on small steps which when continuously applied, become transformed into long lasting results.

Spurred on my Todd's words and Ebere, a business mentor who encourages "specific goal setting" - I decided to schedule into my weekly plan, an hour of jogging, and chose a specific day of the week to accomplish this target.

Naturally, I dreaded the first step; getting out of bed, so early on a fine Wednesday morning but it had to be. I took a different path that morning and made such a discovery - a pleasant scenery, fresh and green, next by the de vliet!

What I captured, when I took a chance to jog one fine morning

This discovery gave me such a boost that I made almost 12km, significantly more than my norm! This remarkable result, motivated me to keep to my new schedule, and the next week, I was out jogging, if anything, just to see this view again.

Training with my buddy for the Peace Run

What more.... that first little step, of getting out of bed, have also resulted, in me jogging with a friend - my jogging buddy helps to keep me accountable for my weekly exercising regime plus its more fun!

Try and catch us at The Hague Peace Run

Walk the Talk

Increasingly more, people want to live healthy lives. Trends indicate that people are seeking for sustainable alternatives for what they eat, where they live and how they work. People, want to know the daily choices they make today, will not jeopardize the future of tomorrow. With all the recent extreme natural disasters of storms, floods and hurricanes, there is an even greater urgency to do something regarding global warming and take our responsibility with regards to sustainability, seriously.

Our desire to have sustainable wardrobes is also part of this wish list. However, most find it easier and unfortunately, think it is cheaper, to quickly get an outfit from a favorite high-fashion brand and after couple of wears, discard of it (effortlessly). Then repeat the circle - same old habits, same old results.

Being sustainable, including becoming fashionable conscious, without a specific plan of active steps, is a guaranteed way for your desire to remain a wish. Very much like my exercising resolve, made at the beginning of the year, as captured above.

I recommend the following tips, which would require, no doubt some effort but will help to enable you fulfill your wish to make more than a statement with your fashion.

1. Only Buy when in REAL Need

The best way to reduce the gigantic waste generated by our fashion is to avoid buying so much of it in the first place, which is achieved by extending the life of your garment.

Extend the life of your current wardrobe by taking good care of your clothes and adhering to the garment washing instructions, washing them only when necessary.

Part of caring for your clothes, is to do timely repairs, preferably yourself to save good money.

The humble thread and needle are reasonable tools to begin with but if you are scared of sharp pointy objects, try patches. They do an amazing job!

When your clothes are beyond repair, you can have the old fabric reused to create something new like an Upcycle bags, patch cards or even cushion pillows stuffed with your old clothes. These could serve as great personalized gifts for your loved ones.

2. Do More with Less

When indeed you need to buy, then get quality, long-lasting clothes, preferably made with natural fabrics, like organic cotton. The label should bear words like: bio, cotton, linen, silk, wool, cashmere, hemp, jute

To make your clothes do more for you, get well tailored, preferably customized, items that allows for multiple ways to wear and blend. Think about how you could save on wardrobe space and effortlessly create your look each day with less clothes.

Colourful and patterned outfits readily offer you this possibility.

3 effortless styles created with her (one) Alice-In-Wonderland skirt

3. Get a Buddy

There is much to be gained from the support of a friend or a group.

Just like my jogging experience, buddies challenge you to keep to your commitment and have fun along the way. With social media, online groups are readily available with great ideas on how to be and stay sustainable.

UnikBlends, offers you several unique ways online, to colour your wardrobe with unique, sustainably sourced fabrics and connect with others who share similar aspirations to help save MamaEarth. We would also love to hear from you.

We have monthly events, such as pop-up shop, where you can meet us if you are based in the Netherlands. Our next event shall be at the Fair Fashion Festival, Utrecht, where I shall be giving a lecture on new biotech designs created from collaborative hybrid of engineers, scientist & designer and much more . We shall also have a UnikBlends stand, from where you can get all our truly sustainable outfits, bags and accessories. Some products will be handmade by African based designers, a fair sustainable fashion initiative, aimed at empowering the designer, while offering you unique bold, bright and remarkable surprises!

So, take a chance, make that little step and save a date with us, as we celebrate fair fashion which certainly have a sustainable future, thanks to YOU.

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